(If you delete, you will lose access to the game). 🚨 - You can log into your account 1 time in order to put the game on the race. If you did not read this block or did not check with the seller, paid for the goods and then began to resent, I thought I did not read it, I misunderstood, no objections will be accepted. 🚨 - You can check the availability of the ps5 version of the game from the seller before buying.

By default, THIS PRODUCT DECLARES that this Game will work BACKWARDLY COMPATIBLE with PS4 on PS5 CONSOLE. 🚨 - If the developer of the game provides a FREE update to the version of the game for the PS5 console and this is indicated on the game page in the ps store itself, then it will be available for download.

"Activation" and "PS5 version of the game" are two different things. Sometimes the buyer confuses the "Account Activation P3" being sold, which is indicated in the Title, with the PS5 version of the game., which is explained in this block. 🧾 PS5 VERSION OF THE GAME (PROVIDED THAT 🚨/PS5/🚨 IS IN THE PRODUCT NAME): All achievements in games fall on your personal account, thereby pumping it. There is no subscription with an account. Also, if you have your own PS subscription, you can play Online with other people. YOU will play directly on your personal account, get achievements on it, knock out platinum and upgrade your account. 🎮 This type of activation according to the "P3" principle is the most common on the Internet.